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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Having Trouble Posting a Comment?

I've heard through the grapevine there's been some difficulty in posting comments on my blog. It seems the problem is inherent to Blogger - follow the instructions below to post a comment. I'd appreciate hearing any feedback, questions or even ideas of things you'd like to see posted from those interested in my blog. Thanks for reading!

1. Click on the "Comments" link below the post you wish to leave a comment.
2. Scroll to the bottom and type in your question or comment.
3. Choose "Name/URL" under the "Comment as:" drop down menu.
4. Fill in your name only and hit the "Post Comment" button.
5. If an error message comes up saying the post was unsuccessful, click "ok" and try to post again. It should work this time.

Enjoy my latest post below.

1 comment:

  1. An attention – grabbing blog post! Keep us informed like this one and keep on sharing.

