Friday, May 2, 2014

Coffee Liqueur

There’s a little collection of various alcoholic beverages in the cupboard, all gifts received over many years. It’s safe to say that they will be there indefinitely unless transformed into something more palatable.

I like to think along the line of something a little sweeter and tastier than rum, whisky, vodka or brandy.

I’m not sure how many years my little bottle of white rum collected dust.  It sat on a shelf in our previous home, made the move with us and once again made it onto another shelf. I’m now imagining this same bottle sitting on a shelf in Puerto Plata where it originated waiting for its final destination.

I have several recipes that change hard type alcoholic beverages into something more enjoyable.  After so many years this small bottle of white rum realized its destiny.  Interesting to note that the label did not indicate how many ounces the bottle contained but the contents measured out the exact one and a half cups called for in the recipe. 

The staple pantry ingredients of espresso, sugar and vanilla magically change the colourless, strong white rum into a delicious dark Coffee Liqueur.

That, I like!

Coffee Liqueur
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brewed espresso
1 ½ cups white rum
½ teaspoon vanilla
  1. In a saucepan bring sugar and espresso to a boil stirring until sugar is dissolved then boil for one minute.
  2. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes.
  3. Stir in rum and vanilla; pour into a jar and seal.
  4. Store in a cool dark place and allow to mellow for a week or two.


Notes, Tips and Suggestions
  • If you don’t have espresso just brew some strong regular coffee.
The recipe suggested to make a White Russian with the Coffee Liqueur. Since my knowledge of Mixology is next to none I had to look up a recipe.  This drink seemed quite simple to make and  included cream, ice and a small amount of vodka. It was worth a try and also a way to incorporate some vodka sitting on the shelf as well.  I used cinnamon as a swizzle stick which worked very well with the coffee flavour.
Next I'll try pouring some Coffee Liqueur over a scoop of homemade Vanilla Ice Cream.

White Russian
1 ounce vodka
2 ounces coffee liqueur
light cream
  1. Fill old fashioned glass with ice.
  2. Pour vodka and coffee liqueur over ice. 
  3. Fill glass with cream and stir.


  1. Great idea! Thanks for this zia! Wondering if this would work with desserts, for example pouring the liqueur over vanilla ice cream?

  2. Hi Michael,
    You can use this the same way you would use any coffee liqueur.
    Pouring it over some vanilla ice cream is the very next way I plan to use it!
